Plantilla de plan del proyecto y directrices para cada necesidad comercial

By Kate Eby | 19 Febrero 2019 (actualizado 21 Diciembre 2023)

Cuando se trata de obtener luz verde para iniciar un nuevo proyecto, no hay ningún recurso más beneficioso que el plan del proyecto. Este describe el proyecto e incluye los participantes clave, el alcance, los objetivos y las metas generales. Es un documento increíblemente útil que, una vez finalizado, se usa a menudo para obtener la aprobación de un proyecto.

El plan del proyecto suele ser de una a dos páginas, pero puede ser más largo según el tamaño, el tipo y la complejidad del proyecto. Este artículo lo guiará por los elementos esenciales del plan del proyecto, proporcionará plantillas gratuitas para el plan del proyecto y compartirá ejemplos del mundo real para ayudarlo a empezar.

Plantilla gratuita de plan del proyecto

Carta del proyecto


Descargue una plantilla gratuita del plan del proyecto en Excel o Word. 

Descargar plantilla de plan del proyecto

Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Word


Six Sigma Project Charter Template

 Plantilla de acta de constitución del proyecto Six Sigma

Download Six Sigma Project Charter Template
Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Word | Microsoft PowerPoint 

Improve the quality and success rates of your projects with this Six Sigma project charter template. The template comes pre-filled with Six Sigma belt-level assignees (e.g., “Green Belts Assigned,” etc.), and helps ensure that you minimize waste, reduce costs, and enhance your competitive market position. This all-inclusive template prompts you to define project scope, establish a proposed schedule with key project milestones, assign resources, list project costs, and define any project risks, constraints, and assumptions — all to ensure improved project performance and deliverables. 

To find more resources on applying the Six Sigma method to your project charters, read our article on Six Sigma project chartering.

Agile Project Charter Template

 Plantilla de carta de proyecto ágil

Download Agile Project Charter Template
Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Word | Microsoft PowerPoint 

This Agile-specific project charter template covers the fundamentals for successfully planning and executing iterative software projects. The template guides you through the basic components of an Agile project (e.g., project name, project champion, project sponsor, stakeholders, start and end dates, etc.), as well as the project details (e.g., executive summary, authorization, objectives, expected benefits, scope, milestones, and success metrics). This template is a perfect solution for project managers or Scrum masters to use to plan deliverables.    

Learn more about improving your Agile product charters.

Construction Project Charter Template

Plantilla de carta de proyecto de construcción

Download Construction Project Charter Template 
Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Word

Use this customizable construction project charter template to define all of your proposed construction project features. The template includes space for general project information, the project purpose, the problem you aim to solve, the business case, goals, metrics of success, and the expected deliverables. Then, define the project’s scope, tentative schedule, and key milestones. Use the Cost Type section to list labor rates, quantity, and line-by-line total amounts.

One-Page Project Charter Template

 Plantilla de estatuto de proyecto de una página

Download One-Page Project Charter Template 
Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Word | Microsoft PowerPoint

Use this print-friendly, single-page project charter template to provide project sponsors and clients with a comprehensive project overview. Enter general project information, including the problem to be solved, goals, objectives, and deliverables; define the project scope, schedule, project resources, and costs; and describe the project’s benefits. In the Project Risks, Constraints, and Assumptions section, define your pre-project assumptions, the potential risks, and any constraints you must account for in order to successfully complete the project. 

Read our guide on project charter elements to find tips for improving your project charters.

Project Charter Business Case Template

 Plantilla de caso de negocio de carta de proyecto

Download Project Charter Business Case Template 
Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Word

Project managers need to create a detailed document that provides the business case in order to get official stakeholder approval. Use this template to define the project goals, benefits, and deliverables, list the process owners, and describe the project scope. This template is the perfect fit for teams who need an all-encompassing method to specify project specifications and resources.

For additional options, check out our collection of free business case templates.

What Is a Project Charter?

A Project Charter provides a big picture overview of the project and often does double-duty as the business case. According to the Project Management Institute (PMI®), the organization that puts out the text, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), a project charter organizes and documents a project’s needs and expected outcomes.

This resource helps provide a foundation for basing project decisions and ensuring they are in line with company goals. As such, it should include success metrics, how to accomplish the project, key players, and goals. It’s imperative to work with team members to help define these attributes before getting started.

What Is a Project Charter Template?

A project charter template is a tool for defining project objectives, scope, and the required resources. Project managers can use a project charter template to outline the project in order to receive buy-in and approval from stakeholders. 

Teams can also use a project charter template to strategize the best methods for how to successfully complete a project. In addition, a project charter template helps ensure that you have accounted for all of your project’s details, including costs, the problem you aim to address, the purpose, business case, metrics you will use to evaluate progress and success, and the expected deliverables. With a project charter template, you can also create a tentative schedule with a list of key project milestones. By taking all of this into account by using a project charter template, your project’s bound to be a success. 

While project charter templates may vary, they most often include the following components: 

  • Project Name: Enter the project name. 
  • Project Manager: Enter the name of the project manager.  
  • Project Sponsor: Enter the name of the project sponsor.  
  • Organizational Unit: Enter the name of the business or organizational unit(s) that will undertake the project. 
  • Expected Start Date: Note the project’s expected start date. 
  • Expected Completion Date: Note the project’s expected end date.  
  • Project Overview: Provide high-level explanations of the problem the project will address, as well as the project’s purpose, business case, goals, metrics of success, and expected deliverables. 
  • Project Scope: Detail what is (and is not) included in the project scope.  
  • Tentative Schedule: Provide start and end dates for the project’s key milestones. 
  • Resources: Assign resources to the project, including project-specific development resources, support resources, and requested interdepartmental resources.
  • Costs: List all project costs, including any vendors you may need to hire.
  • Benefits and Customers: Specify the project’s expected benefits, as well as the process owner, key stakeholders, and final customer. 
  • Risks, Constraints, and Assumptions: List any project risks, constraints, and assumptions so that project sponsors can see that you’re adequately prepared.
  • Prepared By: Enter the name of the team member who prepared the project charter, as well as the date they completed it on.

Get the Most out of Your Project Charter with Smartsheet for Project Management

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